

Read what our previous clients had to say,
I can thoroughly recommend the professional and friendly service that Amanda provides. Despite the restrictions of Covid-19 lockdown Amanda has guided us through the process of will writing and LPA creation, making it simple for us. Amanda has outstanding knowledge of this area, demonstrated by breaking it down into simple actions and choices. In addition Amanda has a clear fee structure with transparent costing for her services that enabled us to budget efficiently. I would recommend anyone wanting wills or LPA's to use Amanda's service.
Mr & Mrs Akerman
I have been assisted by Amanda who provided me a professional service for my Will. Amanda explained in detail the legislation and gave me direction and advice needed to successfully complete the document. Without the help and assistance I would not I would not have achieved the Will I wanted. Very much appreciated.
Ian Sheridan
After looking for a while for a solicitor we felt we could trust to do not only a good job, but provide us with honest and reliable information, we came across Amanda. Amanda is extremely knowledgeable and informative and she has a caring and compassionate nature and we immediately trusted her. This is the first time we I have ever had to make our Wills and it's a confusing process. She guided us through each step and carefully explained any jargon that we didn't understand. We will be using Amanda again to help us with more legal paperwork in the future. We felt that she cares about the customers she supports and that they receive the right level of protection and cover.
Sam & Rob Enright
Thank you for your help, professionalism (and patience in answering all my questions!) during the process.
Mr and Mrs Dyson (April 2021)
For too long we had meant to deal with our will making but never got around to it.
Illness struck, then Coronavirus and we realised we needed to get it done to hopefully make things easier for our loved ones for when the inevitable happened.
Unfortunately the virus meant we were unable to go out due to vulnerability and didn't know who to contact.

Fortunately we came across Amanda who was introducing herself on our local village group. Contact was made and Amanda guided us through the whole process. She advised what she thought would be the best way to draw up our wills but at no time pressured us into committing ourselves.

Thankfully we have now with her help and guidance completed the process and now have mirror wills in place. This was all done in the comfort of our home by video link.
We would happily recommend Amanda and would suggest if you haven't yet got a will in place, Contact Amanda,she is very experienced in these matters and is so professional whilst being so easy to talk to and will patiently answer any questions you may have. Don't put it off any longer, get it done and have some peace of mind then you'll have one less thing to worry about.
Sue & Derek Kokocinski
Thank you for getting me through a difficult job of my will with your professional skills. 

Latest news

Care Home Spotlight

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