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Care Home Spotlight

YOUR FREE WILL WITH CANCER RESEARCH UK Amanda Coates Solicitor has been trading for 6 months and has helped over 100 families to achieve peace of mind by getting a FREE WILL drafted by a qualified solicitor. More than £26,000.00 has been raise
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Trust Recognition Scheme (TRS)

TRUST REGISTRATION SCHEME (TRS)  HMRC announced changes on 6/10/2020 and implemented a deadline for registering untaxable Trusts.  The Trust Registration scheme has been around since 2017.  Trust Registration Service Manual - HMRC i
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YOUR FREE WILL WITH CANCER RESEARCH UK Amanda Coates Solicitor is celebrated her tenth year as a qualified solicitor on 15th July 2021. More than £28,500.00 has been raised by legacies in the Wills which is an amazing achievement for the chari
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Lasting Powers of Attorney

SPOTLIGHT ON LASTING POWERS OF ATTORNEY.  There are two types of Lasting Power of Attorney, that is, property and finance and health and welfare. You appoint people you trust to act as your legal attorney. You can only make these documents whil
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Why It Is Important To Use A STEP Qualified Solicitor When Writing Your Will

The Society of Trusts and Estate practitioners are a world wide organisation and the professional body for practitioners in field of Trusts and Estates, Executorships, Will writing and related matters. STEP promotes high professional standards throu
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Treat boxes delivered to care home staff in Burnley and Pendle as thanks for their s...

The boxes, containing tea, coffee, biscuits and chocolate, were made up by Burnley solicitor Amanda Coates to show her appreciation to dedicated staff. Amanda, who is a freelance solicitor, included a letter in the care boxes which she described as
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Launch Of LPA Checking Service.

The newly launched LPA checking service is a more cost effective way of getting these important documents in place. I will check that the forms have been completed correctly before registration with the Office of Public Guardian. If the forms have no
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Your Legal MOT

You should review your legal affairs at least every 2-3 years and certainly when your personal circumstances change. Here are some suggestions to help you plan during your lifetime to help you and your loved ones be prepared for the worst case scena
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Legally Reducing Your Inheritance Tax Liability.

As the law currently stands in the UK, inheritance tax will be payable on your estate, at a rate of 40%, on anything over and above the threshold of £325,000. This is known as the nil-rate band. As such, if the net value of your estate falls we
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